blade turned 2 mos old on june 30th. he is doing so much better. me and rob are getting better at this parenting thing. blade can hold his head up pretty good now. he still has not managed to really suck his thumb but at least now he can get it in his mouth. he loves to lick his hands and anything else tat comes close to his mouth. he just lies there and licks the blanket during tummy time. he is smiling really good now and making more sounds than just crying. we are enjoying our time together. we spent the 4th of july at guntersville with rob's parents and had a blast. we even watched the fireworks on the lake. blade did such a good job. he slept in the car all the way there. it was his longest trip. we had so much fun.
Review of Loreal Ultimate straight
9 years ago
I can't believe he's 2 months! I love that hair!